Rail Powered Transfer Trolley Transport Pallets.

Rail Powered Transfer Trolley Transport Pallets.

Rail powered transfer trolley is a commonly used transportation tool in industrial transportation, and transfer trolley is also used frequently, so we need to pay attention to the usual maintenance.


Rail Powered Transfer Trolley Transport Pallets.

Rail powered transfer trolley is a commonly used transportation tool in industrial transportation, and transfer trolley is also used frequently, so we need to pay attention to the usual maintenance. Today, let’s briefly talk about the wheel skid of transfer trolley.
Skid of transfer trolley can be divided into two situations. One is that the wheels do not work at the same time when rolling, so the wheels slide. When this happens, we should make appropriate adjustments; Rail uneven will also cause wheel skid, we should be in accordance with the requirements of rail, strict modification, to avoid the occurrence of skid.
The second case of transfer trolley wheel skid —- routine maintenance is not done well, and there is oil pollution in the place where trolley runs. At this time, we should remove the oil pollution and sprinkle fine sand on it to improve the friction coefficient and allow transfer trolley to operate better. Daily maintenance is more important, we should pay attention to every day, so that it will reduce the phenomenon of wheel skid.

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